Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Papers 2022
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D. Angella
- A. Otal German - L. Ugarte - R. Villacampa (
Commun. Anal. Geom.
On Gauduchon connections with K\"ahler-like curvature
D. Angella
F. Pediconi
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
A survey on locally Homogeneous almost-Hermitian spaces
D. Angella
F. Pediconi
Math. Z.
On the linearization stability of the Chern-scalar curvature
M. Astorg -
F. Bianchi
Journal of Modern Dynamics
Higher bifurcations for polynomial skew-products
L. Battista - S. Francaviglia -
M. Moraschini
F. Sarti
- A. Savini (
Bounded Cohomology Classes of Exact Forms
F. Bianchi
S. Mongodi
Proceedings of the AMS
On minimal kernels and Levi currents on weakly complete complex manifolds
F. Bianchi
- K. Rakhimov (
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Strong probabilistic stability in holomorphic families of endomorphisms of $\mathbb{P}^k(\mathbb{C})$ and polynomial-like maps
Y. Bouilly -
G. Faraco
(Accepted Paper:
Groups, Geometry and Dynamics
Modular orbits on the representation spaces of compact abelian Lie groups
G. Caldini
(Degree Thesis)
Well-posedness properties of geometric variational problems: existence, regularity and uniqueness results
P. Capovilla - C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
Algebr. Geom. Topol.
Amenable category and complexity
L. Caputi
- D. Celoria -
C. Collari
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Categorifying connected domination via graph überhomology
L. Caputi
- D. Celoria -
C. Collari
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Monotone cohomologies and oriented matchings
L. Caputi
C. Collari
- S. Di Trani - J. P. Smith (
On the homotopy type of multipath complexes
G. Carron -
I. Mondello
D. Tewodrose
Limits of manifolds with a Kato bound on the Ricci curvature. II
G. Carron -
I. Mondello
D. Tewodrose
Torus stability under Kato bounds on the Ricci curvature
D. Castorina -
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
Semilinear Li & Yau inequalities
G. Catino
- D. Dameno - P. Mastrolia (preprint)
Rigidity results for Riemannian twistor spaces under vanishing curvature conditions
G. Catino
- D. Dameno - P. Mastrolia (preprint)
Some canonical metrics {\em via} Aubin's local deformations
G. Catino
- Dario Daniele Monticelli (preprint)
Semilinear elliptic equations on manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
G. Catino
- Dario Daniele Monticelli -
A. Roncoroni
On the critical $p$-Laplace equation
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia -
A. Roncoroni
Two rigidity results for stable minimal hypersurfaces
Y. C. Chang -
L. Ruffoni
(Accepted Paper:
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
A graphical description of the BNS-invariants of Bestvina-Brady groups and the RAAG recognition problem
S. Chenakkod -
G. Faraco
- S. Gupta (
Proceeding of London Mathematical Society
Translation surfaces and periods of meromorphic differentials
C. Collari
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
A note on weight systems which are quantum states
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
J. Geom. Anal.
Indefinite nilsolitons and Einstein solvmanifolds
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
J. Geom. Phys.
Nice pseudo-Riemannian nilsolitons
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
- R. Segnan Dalmasso (preprint)
Pseudo-Riemannian Sasaki solvmanifolds
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
- R. Segnan Dalmasso (preprint)
Pseudo-Kähler and pseudo-Sasaki Einstein solvmanifolds
D. Corro
- Juan Carlos Fernández - R. Perales (preprint)
Yamabe problem in the presence of singular Riemannian Foliations
M. Corrêa - A. Muniz (preprint)
Holomorphic foliations of degree two and arbitrary dimension
D. Di Donato
A note about Intrinsically Lipschitz constants
D. Di Donato
Ahlfors-David regularity of intrinsically quasi-symmetric sections in metric spaces
D. Di Donato
Intrinsic Cheeger energy for the intrinsically Lipschitz constants
D. Di Donato
Intrinsically Hölder sections in metric spaces
D. Di Donato
Intrinsically Lipschitz graphs on semidirect products of groups
D. Di Donato
Intrinsically quasi-isometric sections in metric spaces
D. Di Donato
Non-symmetric intrinsic Hopf-Lax semigroup vs. intrinsic Lagrangian
D. Di Donato
The intrinsic Hopf-Lax semigroup vs. The intrinsic slope
F. Fagioli
Differ. Geom. Appl.
A note on Griffiths' conjecture about the positivity of Chern-Weil forms
A. Farina -
A. Roncoroni
Comm. Cont. Math.
Serrin's type problems in warped product manifolds
F. Fournier-Facio - C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
(Published Online:
J. Aust. Math. Soc.
Bounded cohomology and binate groups
F. Fournier-Facio - C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Bounded cohomology of finitely presented groups: vanishing, non-vanishing, and computability
J. F. Lafont -
L. Ruffoni
Special cubulation of strict hyperbolization
K. Li - C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
Bounded acyclicity and relative simplicial volume
C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A
Topological volumes of fibrations: A note on open covers
C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
- G. Raptis (
Res. Math. Sci.
On the simplicial volume and the Euler characteristic of (aspherical) manifolds
C. Loeh -
M. Moraschini
- R. Sauer (
New York J. Math.
Amenable covers and integral foliated simplicial volume
A. Minne -
D. Tewodrose
Symmetrized and non-symmetrized Asymptotic Mean Value Laplacian in metric measure spaces
M. Moraschini
- G. Raptis (Accepted Paper:
Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Amenability and Acyclicity in Bounded Cohomology
M. Moraschini
- A. Savini (
Transform. Groups
A Matsumoto-Mostow result for Zimmer's cocycles of hyperbolic lattices
M. Moraschini
- A. Savini (
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Multiplicative constants and maximal measurable cocycles in bounded cohomology
M. Muratori -
A. Roncoroni
Potential Anal.
Sobolev-type inequalities on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds and applications to some nonlinear diffusion equations
S. Panja -
S. Prasad
Counterexample to a conjecture about dihedral quandle
S. Panja -
S. Prasad
The image of polynomials and Waring type problems on upper triangular matrix algebras
A. Roncoroni
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
An overview on extremals and critical points of the Sobolev inequality in convex cones
L. Ruffoni
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Manifolds without real projective or flat conformal structures
N. Rungi
A. Tamburelli
Global Darboux coordinates for complete Lagrangian fibrations and an application to the deformation space of $\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^2$-structures in genus one
F. Sarti
- A. Savini (
Math. Z.
Superrigidity of maximal measurable cocycles of complex hyperbolic lattices
L. Sillari
Generalized Luttinger surgery and other cut-and-paste constructions in generalized complex geometry
L. Sillari
- A. Tomassini (preprint)
Rank of the Nijenhuis tensor on parallelizable almost complex manifolds
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