Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Papers 2014
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M. Abate (
Princeton Math. Ser. (Frontiers in complex dynamics)
Index theorems for meromorphic self-maps of the projective space
M. Abate - A. Abbondandolo - P. Majer (
J. Reine Angew. Math.
Stable manifolds for holomorphic automorphisms
M. Abate -
J. Raissy
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Wolff-Denjoy theorems in nonsmooth convex domains
D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini - G. Salomon (
Trends Math. (Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications)
The Fock space in the slice hyperholomorphic setting
D. Angella
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Cohomological aspects in complex non-Kähler geometry
D. Angella
S. Calamai
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
A vanishing result for strictly p-convex domains
D. Angella
- H. Kasuya (
Complex Manifolds
Hodge theory for twisted differentials
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini (
J. Symplectic Geom.
Symplectic manifolds and cohomological decomposition
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini - W. Zhang (
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
On Cohomological Decomposability of Almost-Kähler Structures
E. Ballico - R. Ghiloni (
Ann. Polon. Math.
On the principle of real moduli flexibility: perfect parametrizations
L. Bedulli - A. Gori (
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Isometric embeddings of Kähler-Ricci solitons in the complex projective space
L. Biliotti -
A. Ghigi
- P. Heinzner (
Doc. Math.
A remark on the gradient map
L. Biliotti - F. Mercuri (
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.)
Properly discontinuous actions on Hilbert manifolds’
C. Bisi - J. P. Furter - S. Lamy (
J. Éc. polytech. Math.
The tame automorphism group of an affine quadric threefold acting on a square complex
H. D. Cao -
G. Catino
- Q. Chen -
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Bach-flat gradient steady Ricci solitons
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.
Examples of compact K-contact manifolds with no Sasakian metric
G. Catino
A remark on compact hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in space forms
G. Catino
On conformally flat manifolds with constant positive scalar curvature
G. Catino
Some rigidity results on critical metrics for quadratic functionals
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - Dario D. Monticelli (preprint)
A variational characterization of flat spaces in dimension three
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - Dario D. Monticelli - M. Rigoli (preprint)
Analytic and geometric properties of generic Ricci solitons
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - Dario D. Monticelli - M. Rigoli (preprint)
Conformal Ricci Solitons and related Integrability Conditions
G. Catino
- A. Deruelle - L. Mazzieri (Preprint:
arXiv:1311.7499 [math.DG]
Uniqueness of asymptotically cylindrical gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - D. Monticelli - M. Rigoli (preprint)
On the geometry of gradient Einstein-type manifolds
F. Colombo - D. Peña Peña - I. Sabadini - F. Sommen (
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
A new integral formula for the inverse Fueter mapping theorem
D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
The odd side of torsion geometry
D. Conti (
Asian J. Math.
SU(3)-holonomy metrics from nilpotent Lie groups
D. Conti - M. Fernández - J. A. Santisteban (
Forum Math.
On seven-dimensional quaternionic contact solvable Lie groups
G. Cousin (
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)
Un exemple de feuilletage modulaire déduit d'une solution algébrique de l'équation de Painlevé VI
G. Cousin - J. V. Pereira (
Math. Res. Lett.
Transversely affine foliations on projective manifolds
E. Delay - L. Mazzieri (
Geom. Dedicata
Refined gluing for vacuum Einstein constraint equations
S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (
Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.
Walsh equiconvergence theorems in the quaternionic setting
G. Gentili - S. Salamon -
C. Stoppato
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)
Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures
A. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (
Trends Math. (Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications)
Spectral properties of compact normal quaternionic operators
R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (
Math. Nachr.
Global differential equations for slice regular functions
R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Power and spherical series over real alternative ∗-algebras
R. Ghiloni - A. Tancredi (
Rev. Mat. Complut.
Algebraic models of symmetric Nash sets
R. Ghiloni - A. Tancredi (
Adv. Geom.
On the algebraic models of symmetric smooth manifolds
M. M. Gonzalez - L. Mazzieri (
Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.)
Singularities for a fully non-linear elliptic equation in conformal geometry
J. Kijowski -
G. Moreno
Symplectic structures related with higher order variational problems
A. Loi -
R. Mossa
- F. Zuddas (
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.
Some remarks on the Gromov width of homogeneous Hodge manifolds
G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Meta-Symplectic Geometry of $3^{\rm rd}$ Order Monge-Ampère Equations and their Characteristics
C. Mantegazza
G. Mascellani
- G. Uraltsev (
Pacific J. of Math.
On the Distributional Hessian of the Distance Function
S. Mongodi -
A. Saracco
Complex Manifolds
Non compact boundaries of complex analytic varieties in Hilbert spaces
S. Naldi
Discrete Comput Geom
Nonnegative polynomials and their Carathéodory number
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