Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Papers 2015
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M. Abate (
Springer Proc. Math. Stat. (Complex analysis and geometry)
Fatou Flowers and Parabolic Curves
K. Abu-Ghanem - D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Gleason's problem and Schur multipliers in the multivariable quaternionic setting
V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (Preprint:
arXiv:1504.04563 [math.AP]
On the geometry of the level sets of bounded static potentials
V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (
J. Math. Pures Appl. (9)
Riemannian aspects of potential theory
A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - A. Valli (
J. Comput. Phys.
Finite element simulation of eddy current problems using magnetic scalar potentials
D. Alpay - V. Bolotnikov - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Self-mappings of the quaternionic unit ball: multiplier properties, the Schwarz-Pick inequality, and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem
A. Altavilla
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Some properties for quaternionic slice-regular functions on domains without real points
D. Angella
- M. G. Franzini -
F. A. Rossi
Manuscripta Math.
Degree of non-Kählerianity for 6-dimensional nilmanifolds
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini (
J. Noncommut. Geom.
Inequalities à la Frölicher and cohomological decompositions
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini (
J. Geom. Phys.
On Bott-Chern cohomology and formality
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini (
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
Stability of holomorphically-parallelizable manifolds
N. Arcozzi -
G. Sarfatti
J. Geom. Anal.
Invariant metrics for the quaternionic Hardy space
N. Arcozzi -
G. Sarfatti
J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
The orthogonal projection on slice functions on the quaternionic sphere
L. Bedulli - A. Gori (
Adv. Geom.
Remarks on Kähler-Ricci solitons
C. Bisi - A. Calabri - M. Mella (
J. Geom. Anal.
On plane Cremona transformations of fixed degree
C. Bisi - G. Chiaselotti - G. Marino - P. A. Oliverio (
Adv. Geom.
A natural extension of the Young partition lattice
S. Borghesi - G. Tomassini (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
The coarse moduli space of a flat analytic groupoid
E. Buzano -
A. Fino
L. Vezzoni
J. Differential Geom.
The Calabi-Yau equation on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold, viewed as an S1-bundle over a 3-torus
G. Calvaruso -
A. Fino
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.
Four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous Ricci solitons
G. Calvaruso -
A. Fino
A. Zaeim
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.)
Homogeneous geodesics of non-reductive homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian 4-manifolds
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (Preprint:
arXiv:1510.04946 [math.DG]
Hard Lefschetz theorem for Vaisman manifolds
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN
Sasakian nilmanifolds
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (
J. Differential Geom.
Hard Lefschetz theorem for Sasakian manifolds
G. Catino
Integral pinched shrinking Ricci solitons
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - Dario Daniele Monticelli (preprint)
Classification of expanding and steady Ricci solitons with integral curvature decay
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Math. Ann.
A note on Codazzi tensors
G. Catino
C. Mantegazza
- L. Mazzieri (
Anal. PDE
Locally conformally flat ancient Ricci flows
G. Catino
- L. Mazzieri -
S. Mongodi
Commun. Contemp. Math.
Rigidity of gradient Einstein shrinkers
E. Colombo - P. Frediani -
A. Ghigi
Internat. J. Math.
On totally geodesic submanifolds in the Jacobian locus
F. Colombo - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (
Adv. Geom.
Further properties of the Bergman spaces of slice regular functions
D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (
Transform. Groups
Harmonic structures and intrinsic torsion
D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (
Complex Manifolds
Invariant torsion and G_2-metrics
G. Cousin (
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
Projective representations of fundamental groups of quasiprojective varieties: a realization and a lifting result
E. Di Nezza
- C. Lu (Submitted Paper)
Uniqueness and short time regularity of the weak Kähler-Ricci flow
J. P. Díaz - A. Verjovsky - F. Vlacci (Preprint:
arXiv:1503.07214 [math.GT]
Quaternionic Kleinian modular groups and arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds over the quaternions
N. Enrietti -
A. Fino
L. Vezzoni
J. Geom. Anal.
The pluriclosed flow on nilmanifolds and Tamed symplectic forms
M. Fernández -
A. Fino
- V. Manero (
Asian J. Math.
G_2-structures on Einstein solvmanifolds
A. Fino
- H. Kasuya -
L. Vezzoni
Tohoku Math. J.
SKT and Tamed symplectic structures on solvmanifolds
A. Fino
- I. Luján (
Adv. Geom.
Torsion-free G*2(2)-structures with full holonomy on nilmanifolds
A. Fino
- P. Nurowski (
J. Reine Angew. Math.
Analog of selfduality in dimension nine
A. Fino
A. Raffero
Coupled SU(3)-structures and supersymmetry
A. Fino
L. Vezzoni
J. Geom. Phys.
Special Hermitian metrics on compact solvmanifolds
P. Frediani -
A. Ghigi
- M. Penegini (
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN
Shimura varieties in the Torelli locus via Galois coverings
S. G. Gal - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (
Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.
On some geometric properties of slice regular functions of a quaternion variable
S. G. Gal - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (
Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.
Univalence results for slice regular functions of a quaternion variable
S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
Approximation by polynomials on quaternionic compact sets
S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (
Math. Nachr.
Universality properties of the quaternionic power series and entire functions
R. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (
Res. Perspect. (Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications)
Slice functional calculus in quaternionic Hilbert spaces
R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (
J. Algebra Appl.
Lagrange polynomials over Clifford numbers
D. Henrion -
S. Naldi
- M. Safey El Din (
SIAM J. Optim.
Exact algorithms for linear matrix inequalities
D. Henrion -
S. Naldi
- M. Safey El Din (
ISSAC '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Real root finding for rank defects in linear Hankel matrices
S. G. Krantz - M. M. Peloso -
C. Stoppato
arXiv:1509.06383 [math.CV]
Completeness on the worm domain and the Müntz-Szász problem for the Bergman space
A. Loi -
R. Mossa
- F. Zuddas (
J. Symplectic Geom.
Symplectic capacities of Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type
A. Loi -
M. Zedda
Manuscripta Math.
On the coefficients of TYZ expansion of locally Hermitian symmetric spaces
V. Magnani - J. Malý -
S. Mongodi
J. Geom. Anal.
A low rank property and nonexistence of higher dimensional horizontal Sobolev sets
S. Mongodi
Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Positive metric currents and holomorphic chains in Hilbert spaces
S. Mongodi
- Z. Slodkowski - G. Tomassini (
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
On weakly complete surfaces
S. Mongodi
- G. Tomassini (
Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Mat. Appl. (5)
Transversally pseudoconvex semiholomorphic foliations
J. Raissy
Springer Proc. Math. Stat. (Complex analysis and geometry)
The Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem and its generalizations
G. Sarfatti
Bruno Pini Math. Anal. Semin.
The quaternionic Hardy space and the geometry of the unit ball
M. Zedda
Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg.
A note on the coefficients of Rawnsley's epsilon function of Cartan-Hartogs domains
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