Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Papers 2016
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M. Abate -
F. Bianchi
Math. Z.
A Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for meromorphic connections on Riemann surfaces
M. Abate - F. Bracci (
Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2)
Common boundary regular fixed points for holomorphic semigroups in strongly convex domains
M. Abate -
J. Raissy
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
A Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem for infinitesimal generators in the unit ball
M. Abate -
J. Raissy
Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2)
Common boundary regular fixed points for holomorphic semigroups in strongly convex domains
V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (Preprint:
arXiv:1606.02489 [math.AP]
Monotonicity formulas in potential theory
A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - R. Specogna (Preprint:
arXiv:1607.05099 [math.AT]
Geometric construction of bases of $H_2(\overline{\Omega},\partial\Omega,\mathbb{Z})$
D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (Book:
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
Slice hyperholomorphic Schur analysis
A. Altavilla
- L. Nicolodi (
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
On the volume of the Sp(n)⋅Sp(1) shadow of a compact set
D. Angella
Bielefeld Geometry & Topology Days
On the Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomology
D. Angella
S. Calamai
A. Latorre
J. Geom. Phys.
On cohomological decomposition of generalized-complex structures
D. Angella
- G. Dloussky - A. Tomassini (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
On Bott-Chern cohomology of compact complex surfaces
D. Angella
M. Parton
- V. Vuletescu (
Ann. Inst. Fourier
Rigidity of Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds
D. Angella
- L. Ugarte (
Mediterr. J. Math.
Locally conformal Hermitian metrics on complex non-Kähler manifolds
N. Arcozzi - K. M. Perfekt - P. Mozolyako - S. Richter -
G. Sarfatti
Concr. Oper.
Some Hilbert spaces related with the Dirichlet space
C. Arezzo - R. Lena - L. Mazzieri (
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN
On the resolution of constant scalar curvature Kähler orbifolds
C. Arezzo - A. Loi - F. Zuddas (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Some remarks on the symplectic and Kähler geometry of toric varieties
M. Arizzi -
J. Raissy
Princeton Math. Ser. (Frontiers in complex dynamics)
On Écalle-Hakim's theorems in holomorphic dynamics
M. Astorg - X. Buff - R. Dujardin - H. Peters -
J. Raissy
Ann. of Math. (2)
A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component
L. Biliotti -
A. Ghigi
- P. Heinzner (
Israel J. Math.
Invariant convex sets in polar representations
L. Biliotti - F. Mercuri (Preprint:
arXiv:1610.01527 [math.DG]
Riemannian Hilbert manifolds
C. Bisi - F. Bracci - T. Izawa - T. Suwa (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Localized intersection of currents and the Lefschetz coincidence point theorem
C. Bisi - P. Cascini - L. Tasin (
Michigan Math. J.
A remark on the Ueno-Campana's threefold
S. Borghesi - G. Tomassini (Published Online:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Analytic stacks and hyperbolicity
S. Borghini - L. Mazzieri (Preprint:
arXiv:1605.04578 [math.DG]
Monotonicity formulas for static metrics with non-zero cosmological constant
A. J. Bruce - K. Grabowska -
G. Moreno
On a geometric framework for Lagrangian supermechanics
S. Calamai
Journal of Classification
Moduli space of families of positive $(n - 1)$-weights
S. Calamai
D. Petrecca
K. Zheng
New York J. Math.
On the geodesic problem for the Dirichlet metric and the Ebin metric on the space of Sasakian metrics
S. Calamai
- E. Rubei (
Sémin. Lothar. Comb.
Treelike quintet systems
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
A non-Sasakian Lefschetz K-contact manifold of Tievsky type
B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (
J. Geom. Phys.
Cosymplectic p-spheres
B. Cappelletti-Montano - G. Dileo (
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Nearly Sasakian geometry and SU(2)-structures
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia - Dario Daniele Monticelli (preprint)
Gradient Ricci solitons with vanishing conditions on Weyl
G. Catino
- P. Mastrolia (preprint)
Bochner type formulas for the Weyl tensor on four dimensional Einstein manifolds
G. Catino
- L. Mazzieri (
Nonlinear Anal.
Gradient Einstein solitons
Z. Chen -
A. Fino
- Y. S. Poon (
Differential Geom. Appl.
Holomorphic Poisson structure and its cohomology on nilmanifolds
G. Ciraolo -
L. Vezzoni
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's
A remark on an overdetermined problem in Riemannian geometry
G. Ciraolo -
L. Vezzoni
(Published Online:
Commun. Contemp. Math.
A rigidity problem on the round sphere
G. Ciraolo -
L. Vezzoni
(Accepted Paper:
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)
A sharp quantitative version of Alexandrov's theorem via the method of moving planes
F. Colombo - I. Sabadini - D. C. Struppa (Book:
SpringerBriefs in Mathematics
Entire slice regular functions
S. Console -
A. Fino
- H. Kasuya (
Transform. Groups
On de Rham and Dolbeault cohomology of solvmanifolds
D. Conti (
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Intrinsic torsion in quaternionic contact geometry
D. Conti - M. Fernández (
Math. Nachr.
Einstein almost cokähler manifolds
D. Conti - T. B. Madsen - S. Salamon (Preprint:
arXiv:1610.04833 [math.DG]
Quaternionic geometry in dimension eight
D. Corro
- F. Galaz-Garcia (preprint)
Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions
R. T. Farouki - G. Gentili - C. Giannelli - A. Sestini -
C. Stoppato
J. Symbolic Comput.
Solution of a quadratic quaternion equation with mixed coefficients
M. Fernández -
A. Fino
- V. Manero (
J. Geom. Anal.
Laplacian flow of closed G2-structures inducing nilsolitons
M. Fernández -
A. Fino
A. Raffero
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
Locally conformal calibrated G2-manifolds
A. Fino
- G. Grantcharov - M. Verbitsky (Preprint:
arXiv:1603.01877 [math.DG]
Algebraic dimension of complex nilmanifolds
A. Fino
- G. Grantcharov -
L. Vezzoni
arXiv:1608.06743 [math.DG]
Astheno-Kähler and balanced structures on fibrations
A. Fino
- H. Kasuya (
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Tamed symplectic structures on compact solvmanifolds of completely solvable type
A. Fino
- I. Kath (Preprint:
arXiv:1604.00528 [math.DG]
Holonomy groups of $G_2^*$-manifolds
A. Fino
L. Vezzoni
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
On the existence of balanced and SKT metrics on nilmanifolds
C. Fontanari - R. Ghiloni - P. Lella (Preprint:
arXiv:1607.08437 [math.AG]
Towards Fulton's conjecture
G. Gentili -
G. Sarfatti
- D. C. Struppa (
Math. Res. Lett.
Ideals of regular functions of a quaternionic variable
R. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (Preprint:
arXiv:1602.02661 [math.FA]
Spectral representations of normal operators via Intertwining Quaternionic Projection Valued Measures
R. Ghiloni - V. Recupero (
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
Semigroups over real alternative *-algebras: generation theorems and spherical sectorial operators
R. Ghiloni - V. Recupero (Preprint:
arXiv:1605.01645 [math.FA]
Slice regular semigroups
J. Gutt - G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Completely exceptional $2^\textrm{nd}$ order PDEs via conformal geometry and BGG resolution
J. Gutt - G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Completely exceptional 2nd order PDEs via conformal geometry and BGG resolution
D. Henrion -
S. Naldi
- M. Safey El Din (
J. Symb. Comput.
Real root finding for determinants of linear matrices
S. G. Krantz - M. M. Peloso -
C. Stoppato
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Bergman kernel and projection on the unbounded Diederich-Fornæss worm domain
A. Loi - F. Zuddas (
Differential Geom. Appl.
On the Gromov width of homogeneous Kähler manifolds
G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)
Meta-Symplectic Geometry of 3rd Order Monge-Ampère Equations and their Characteristics
S. Mongodi
- Z. Slodkowski - G. Tomassini (Accepted Paper:
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Weakly complete complex surfaces
S. Mongodi
- G. Tomassini (
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
1-complete semiholomorphic foliations
M. Moraschini
- A. Murillo (
Topology and its applications
Abstract sectional category in model structures on topological spaces
S. Naldi
J. Symb. Comput.
Solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs in exact arithmetic
J. Raissy
(Published Online:
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital.
Polynomial skew-products in dimension 2: bulging and wandering Fatou components
A. Santi
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
A generalized integrability problem for G-Structures
G. Sarfatti
Indiana U. Math. J.
Quaternionic Hankel operators and approximation by slice regular functions
N. Tardini
- A. Tomassini (
Internat. J. Math.
On the cohomology of almost complex and symplectic manifolds and proper surjective maps
L. Vezzoni
Complex Manifolds
On the Calabi-Yau equation in the Kodaira-Thurston manifold
L. Vezzoni
M. Zedda
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)
On the J-flow in Sasakian manifolds
F. Vlacci (
Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2)
A survey on quasiconformal functions with application to the case of functions of a hypercomplex variable
M. Zedda
J. Geom. Phys.
Berezin-Engliš' quantization of Cartan-Hartogs domains
M. Zedda
Ann. Global Anal. Geom.
On the convergence of the Sasaki J-flow
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