Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
open positions
Papers 2019
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A. Altavilla
- E. Ballico (preprint)
Algebraic surfaces with infinitely many twistor lines
A. Altavilla
- E. Ballico (published:
Milan Journal of Mathematics
Three Topological Results on the Twistor Discriminant Locus in the 4-Sphere
A. Altavilla
G. Sarfatti
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Slice-Polynomial Functions and Twistor Geometry of Ruled Surfaces in $\mathbb{CP}^3$
A. Altavilla
- C. de Fabritiis (published:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
$*$-exponential of slice-regular functions
S. Dinew - S. Picard - A. Teleman - A. Verjovsky -
D. Angella
L. Arosio
E. Di Nezza
Lect. Notes Math.
Complex Non-Kähler Geometry
D. Angella
- C. Bisi (
J. Geom. Anal.
Slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces
D. Angella
- H. Kasuya (
J. Symplectic Geom.
Symplectic Bott-Chern cohomology of solvmanifolds
D. Angella
- A. Tomassini - M. Verbitsky (
Adv. Geom.
On non-Kähler degrees of complex manifolds
D. Angella
M. Zedda
Ann. Global Anal. Geom.
Isometric immersions of locally conformally K\"ahler manifolds
F. Bianchi
Math. Annalen
Misiurewicz parameters and dynamical stability of polynomial-like maps of large topological degree
J. Buczyński -
G. Moreno
Banach Centre Publications
Complex contact manifolds, varieties of minimal rational tangents, and exterior differential systems
C. Campagnolo -
D. Corro
Integral foliated simplicial volume and circle foliations
G. Carron -
D. Tewodrose
A rigidity result for metric measure spaces with Euclidean heat kernel
G. Catino
- Dario Daniele Monticelli - F. Punzo (preprint)
The Poisson equation on Riemannian manifolds with weighted Poincaré inequality at infinity
G. Catino
- F. Gazzola - P. Mastrolia (preprint)
A conformal Yamabe problem with potential on the euclidean space
C. Collari
Michigan Mathematical Journal
A Bennequin-type inequality and combinatorial bounds
C. Collari
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
On transverse invariants from Khovanov-type homologies
C. Collari
- P. Lisca (
Osaka Journal of Mathematics
On symmetric equivalence of symmetric union diagrams
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
Einstein nilpotent Lie groups
D. Conti -
F. A. Rossi
Complex Manifolds
Ricci-flat and Einstein pseudoriemannian nilmanifolds
D. Corro
A-Foliations of codimension two on compact simply-connected manifolds
D. Corro
- J. B. Kordaß (preprint)
Short survey on the existence of slices for the space of Riemannian metrics
D. Corro
- J. Núñez-Zimbrón - M. Zarei (preprint)
Torus actions on Alexandrov 4-spaces
L. Di Cerbo -
L. Lombardi
L^2-Betti Numbers and Convergence of Normalized Hodge Numbers via the Weak Generic Nakano Vanishing Theorem
L. Di Cerbo -
L. Lombardi
Moving Seshadri Constants, and Coverings of Varieties of Maximal Albanese Dimension
D. Di Donato
Intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in Carnot groups of step 2
Dmitri V. Alekseevsky - J. Gutt - G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Invariant PDEs on homogeneous manifolds via the affine structure of the bundles of jet spaces
Dmitri V. Alekseevsky - J. Gutt - G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Lowest degree invariant 2nd order PDEs over rational homogeneous contact manifolds
E. Falbel - M. Maculan -
G. Sarfatti
(Published Online:
Geometriae Dedicata
Configurations of flags in orbits of real forms
G. Faraco
Expositiones Mathematica
Distances on the moduli space of complex projective structures
R. Frigerio -
M. Moraschini
(Accepted Paper:
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Gromov's theory of multicomplexes with applications to bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
R. Frigerio -
M. Moraschini
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
On volumes of hyperideal tetrahedra with constrained edge lengths
G. Gentili -
G. Sarfatti
J. Geom. Anal
On compact affine quaternionic curves and surfaces
G. Gentili -
G. Sarfatti
J. Symplectic Geom.
Quaternionic toric manifolds
J. Gutt - G. Manno -
G. Moreno
Banach Centre Publications
Geometry of Lagrangian Grassmannians and nonlinear PDEs
D. Henrion -
S. Naldi
- M. Safey El Din (
Appl. Algebr. Eng. Comm.
Real root finding for low rank linear matrices
D. Henrion -
S. Naldi
- M. Safey El Din (
Optim. Method. Softw.
SPECTRA - a Maple library for solving linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic
M. Kummer -
S. Naldi
- D. Plaumann (
Pac. J. Math.
Spectrahedral representations of plane hyperbolic curves
A. Minne -
D. Tewodrose
Asymptotic Mean Value Laplacian in Metric Measure Spaces
A. Monguzzi -
G. Sarfatti
- D. Seco (
Concrete Operators
Quaternionic inner and outer functions
C. Petronio
F. Sarti
Studia Scientiarum Mathematica Hungarica
Counting surface branched covers
L. Ruffoni
Journal of Topology and Analysis
Bubbling complex projective structures with quasi-Fuchsian holonomy
L. Ruffoni
Differential Geometry and its Applications
Multi(de)grafting quasi-Fuchsian complex projective structures via bubbles
L. Ruffoni
- F. Tripaldi (
The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Extending an example by Colding and Minicozzi
G. Russo
- A. Swann (
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Nearly Kähler six-manifolds with two-torus symmetry
N. Tardini
- A. Tomassini (
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital.
Symplectic cohomologies and deformations
A. Trusiani
$L^{1}$ metric geometry of potentials with prescribed singularities on compact Kähler manifolds
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