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D. Conti - F. A. Rossi

Ricci-flat and Einstein pseudoriemannian nilmanifolds

created by rossi on 05 Dec 2018
modified on 03 Sep 2019


Published Paper

Inserted: 5 dec 2018
Last Updated: 3 sep 2019

Journal: Complex Manifolds
Volume: 6
Number: 1
Pages: 170-193
Year: 2019
Doi: 10.1515/coma-2019-0010

ArXiv: 1812.01310 PDF


This is partly an expository paper, where the authors' work on pseudoriemannian Einstein metrics on nilpotent Lie groups is reviewed. A new criterion is given for the existence of a diagonal Einstein metric on a nice nilpotent Lie group. Classifications of special classes of Ricci-flat metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension $\leq8$ are obtained. Some related open questions are presented.

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