Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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L. Ruffoni - F. Tripaldi

Extending an example by Colding and Minicozzi

created by ruffoni on 21 Dec 2019
modified on 03 Jan 2020


Published Paper

Inserted: 21 dec 2019
Last Updated: 3 jan 2020

Journal: The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Year: 2019
Doi: 10.1007/s12220-019-00177-4

ArXiv: 1810.00359 PDF


Extending an example by Colding and Minicozzi, we construct a sequence of properly embedded minimal disks $\Sigma_i$ in an infinite Euclidean cylinder around the $x_3$-axis with curvature blow-up at a single point. The sequence converges to a non smooth and non proper minimal lamination in the cylinder. Moreover, we show that the disks $\Sigma_i$ are not properly embedded in a sequence of open subsets of $\mathbb{ R}^3$ that exhausts $\mathbb{ R}^3$.

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