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- M. Abate (Princeton Math. Ser. (Frontiers in complex dynamics))
Index theorems for meromorphic self-maps of the projective space (2014)
- M. Abate (Springer Proc. Math. Stat. (Complex analysis and geometry))
Fatou Flowers and Parabolic Curves (2015)
- M. Abate (Accepted Paper: Springer (Metrics and dynamical aspects in complex analysis))
The Kobayashi distance in holomorphic dynamics and operator theory (2017)
- M. Abate - A. Abbondandolo - P. Majer (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Stable manifolds for holomorphic automorphisms (2014)
- M. Abate - F. Bianchi (Math. Z.)
A Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for meromorphic connections on Riemann
surfaces (2016)
- M. Abate - F. Bracci (Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2))
Common boundary regular fixed points for holomorphic semigroups in strongly convex domains (2016)
- M. Abate - F. Bracci - T. Suwa - F. Tovena (Rev. Mat. Iberoam.)
Localization of Atiyah classes (2013)
- M. Abate - J. Raissy (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Wolff-Denjoy theorems in nonsmooth convex domains (2014)
- M. Abate - J. Raissy (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
A Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem for infinitesimal generators in the unit ball (2016)
- M. Abate - J. Raissy (Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2))
Common boundary regular fixed points for holomorphic semigroups in strongly convex domains (2016)
- K. Abu-Ghanem - D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (J. Math. Anal. Appl.)
Gleason's problem and Schur multipliers in the multivariable quaternionic setting (2015)
- V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (Preprint: arXiv:1504.04563 [math.AP])
On the geometry of the level sets of bounded static potentials (2015)
- V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (J. Math. Pures Appl. (9))
Riemannian aspects of potential theory (2015)
- V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (Preprint: arXiv:1606.02489 [math.AP])
Monotonicity formulas in potential theory (2016)
- V. Agostiniani - L. Mazzieri (Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Mat. Appl. (5))
Comparing monotonicity formulas for electrostatic potentials and static metrics (2017)
- D. Alekseevsky - F. Zuddas (Published Online: Ann. Global Anal. Geom.)
Cohomogeneity one Kähler and Kähler–Einstein manifolds with one singular orbit I (2017)
- A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - R. Specogna (Preprint: arXiv:1607.05099 [math.AT])
Geometric construction of bases of $H_2(\overline{\Omega},\partial\Omega,\mathbb{Z})$ (2016)
- A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - R. Specogna (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Numer. Anal.)
Efficient Construction of 2-Chains with a Prescribed Boundary (2017)
- A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - A. Valli (SIAM J. Numer. Anal.)
Construction of a finite element basis of the first de Rham cohomology group and numerical solution of 3D magnetostatic problems (2013)
- A. Alonso Rodríguez - E. Bertolazzi - R. Ghiloni - A. Valli (J. Comput. Phys.)
Finite element simulation of eddy current problems using magnetic scalar potentials (2015)
- D. Alpay - V. Bolotnikov - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Self-mappings of the quaternionic unit ball: multiplier properties, the Schwarz-Pick inequality, and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem (2015)
- D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini (Book: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Slice hyperholomorphic Schur analysis (2016)
- D. Alpay - F. Colombo - I. Sabadini - G. Salomon (Trends Math. (Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications))
The Fock space in the slice hyperholomorphic setting (2014)
- A. Altavilla (Advances in Geometry)
On the real differential of a slice regular function (2018)
- A. Altavilla (Published: Journal of Geometry and Physics)
Twistor interpretation of slice regular functions (2018)
- A. Altavilla - E. Ballico (in press: Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry)
Twistor lines on algebraic surfaces (2018)
- A. Altavilla - C. Bisi (in press: Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ-Mathematica)
Log-biharmonicity and a Jensen formula in the space of quaternions (2017)
- A. Altavilla - L. Nicolodi (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
On the volume of the Sp(n)⋅Sp(1) shadow of a compact set (2016)
- A. Altavilla - G. Sarfatti (Mathematische Zeitschrift)
Slice-Polynomial Functions and Twistor Geometry of Ruled Surfaces in
$\mathbb{CP}^3$ (2019)
- A. Altavilla - C. de Fabritiis (Research Paper: Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata)
S-regular functions which preserve a complex slice (2018)
- A. Altavilla - C. de Fabritiis (published: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society)
$*$-exponential of slice-regular functions (2019)
- D. Angella (J. Geom. Phys.)
Cohomologies of certain orbifolds (2013)
- D. Angella (Book: Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Cohomological aspects in complex non-Kähler geometry (2014)
- D. Angella (Bielefeld Geometry & Topology Days)
On the Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomology (2016)
- D. Angella - C. Bisi (J. Geom. Anal.)
Slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces (2019)
- D. Angella - S. Calamai (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Bott-Chern cohomology and q-complete domains (2013)
- D. Angella - S. Calamai - H. Kasuya (J. Geom. Anal.)
Cohomologies of generalized complex manifolds and nilmanifolds (2017)
- D. Angella - S. Calamai - A. Latorre (J. Geom. Phys.)
On cohomological decomposition of generalized-complex structures (2016)
- D. Angella - S. Calamai - C. Spotti (Math. Res. Lett.)
On the Chern-Yamabe problem (2017)
- D. Angella - G. Dloussky - A. Tomassini (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
On Bott-Chern cohomology of compact complex surfaces (2016)
- D. Angella - M. G. Franzini - F. A. Rossi (Manuscripta Math.)
Degree of non-Kählerianity for 6-dimensional nilmanifolds (2015)
- D. Angella - H. Kasuya (Complex Manifolds)
Hodge theory for twisted differentials (2014)
- D. Angella - H. Kasuya (Ann. Global Anal. Geom.)
Bott-Chern cohomology of solvmanifolds (2017)
- D. Angella - H. Kasuya (North-West. Eur. J. Math.)
Cohomologies of deformations of solvmanifolds and closedness of some
properties (2017)
- D. Angella - H. Kasuya (J. Symplectic Geom.)
Symplectic Bott-Chern cohomology of solvmanifolds (2019)
- D. Angella - A. Otal - L. Ugarte - R. Villacampa (Rev. Mat. Iberoam.)
Complex structures of splitting type (2017)
- D. Angella - A. Otal German - L. Ugarte - R. Villacampa (Commun. Anal. Geom.)
On Gauduchon connections with K\"ahler-like curvature (2022)
- D. Angella - M. Parton - V. Vuletescu (Ann. Inst. Fourier)
Rigidity of Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds (2016)
- D. Angella - N. Tardini (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Quantitative and qualitative cohomological properties for non-K\"ahler manifolds (2017)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini (J. Symplectic Geom.)
Symplectic manifolds and cohomological decomposition (2014)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini (J. Noncommut. Geom.)
Inequalities à la Frölicher and cohomological decompositions (2015)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini (J. Geom. Phys.)
On Bott-Chern cohomology and formality (2015)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Stability of holomorphically-parallelizable manifolds (2015)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Hermitian ranks of compact complex manifolds (2018)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini - M. Verbitsky (Adv. Geom.)
On non-Kähler degrees of complex manifolds (2019)
- D. Angella - A. Tomassini - W. Zhang (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
On Cohomological Decomposability of Almost-Kähler Structures (2014)
- D. Angella - L. Ugarte (Mediterr. J. Math.)
Locally conformal Hermitian metrics on complex non-Kähler manifolds (2016)
- D. Angella - L. Ugarte (Differ. Geom. Appl.)
On small deformations of balanced manifolds (2017)
- N. Arcozzi - K. M. Perfekt - P. Mozolyako - S. Richter - G. Sarfatti (Concr. Oper.)
Some Hilbert spaces related with the Dirichlet space (2016)
- N. Arcozzi - G. Sarfatti (J. Geom. Anal.)
Invariant metrics for the quaternionic Hardy space (2015)
- N. Arcozzi - G. Sarfatti (J. Phys. Conf. Ser.)
The orthogonal projection on slice functions on the quaternionic sphere (2015)
- N. Arcozzi - G. Sarfatti (Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.)
From Hankel operators to Carleson measures in a quaternionic variable (2017)
- C. Arezzo - R. Lena - L. Mazzieri (Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN)
On the resolution of constant scalar curvature Kähler orbifolds (2016)
- C. Arezzo - A. Loi - F. Zuddas (Math. Z.)
Szegö kernel, regular quantizations and spherical CR-structures (2013)
- C. Arezzo - A. Loi - F. Zuddas (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Some remarks on the symplectic and Kähler geometry of toric varieties (2016)
- M. Arizzi - J. Raissy (Princeton Math. Ser. (Frontiers in complex dynamics))
On Écalle-Hakim's theorems in holomorphic dynamics (2016)
- M. Astorg - X. Buff - R. Dujardin - H. Peters - J. Raissy (Ann. of Math. (2))
A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component (2016)
- E. Ballico - R. Ghiloni (Ann. Polon. Math.)
The principle of moduli flexibility for real algebraic manifolds (2013)
- E. Ballico - R. Ghiloni (Ann. Polon. Math.)
On the principle of real moduli flexibility: perfect parametrizations (2014)
- L. Bedulli - A. Gori (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Isometric embeddings of Kähler-Ricci solitons in the complex projective space (2014)
- L. Bedulli - A. Gori (Adv. Geom.)
Remarks on Kähler-Ricci solitons (2015)
- L. Bedulli - W. He - L. Vezzoni (Accepted Paper: J. Geom. Anal.)
Second-order geometric flows on foliated manifolds (2017)
- L. Bedulli - L. Vezzoni (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
A parabolic flow of balanced metrics (2017)
- F. Berteloot - F. Bianchi (Dynamical systems, Banach Center Publications, Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw)
Lyapunov exponents and stability in projective holomorphic dynamics (2018)
- F. Berteloot - F. Bianchi (Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)
Perturbations d'exemples de Lattès et dimension de Hausdorff du lieu
de bifurcation (2018)
- F. Berteloot - F. Bianchi - C. Dupont (Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4))
Dynamical stability and Lyapunov exponents for holomorphic endomorphisms
of CP(k) (2018)
- F. Bianchi (Accepted Paper: J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS))
Parabolic implosion for endomorphisms of C^2 (2017)
- F. Bianchi (Math. Annalen)
Misiurewicz parameters and dynamical stability of polynomial-like maps
of large topological degree (2019)
- F. Bianchi - J. Taflin (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Bifurcations in the elementary Desboves family (2017)
- L. Biliotti - A. Ghigi - P. Heinzner (Comm. Anal. Geom.)
Polar orbitopes (2013)
- L. Biliotti - A. Ghigi (Submitted Paper)
Remarks on the Abelian convexity theorem (2017)
- L. Biliotti - A. Ghigi (Adv. Math.)
Stability of measures on Kähler manifolds (2017)
- L. Biliotti - A. Ghigi - P. Heinzner (Doc. Math.)
A remark on the gradient map (2014)
- L. Biliotti - A. Ghigi - P. Heinzner (Israel J. Math.)
Invariant convex sets in polar representations (2016)
- L. Biliotti - F. Mercuri (Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.))
Properly discontinuous actions on Hilbert manifolds’ (2014)
- L. Biliotti - F. Mercuri (Preprint: arXiv:1610.01527 [math.DG])
Riemannian Hilbert manifolds (2016)
- L. Biliotti - A. Raffero (Preprint: arXiv:1701.04779 [math.DG])
Atiyah-like results for the gradient map on probability measures (2017)
- L. Biliotti - M. Zedda (Accepted Paper: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Stability with respect to actions of real reductive Lie groups (2017)
- C. Bisi - G. Gentili (Accepted Paper: J. Noncommut. Geom.)
On quaternionic tori and their moduli space (2017)
- C. Bisi (Published Online: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
A Landau’s theorem in several complex variables (2017)
- C. Bisi - F. Bracci - T. Izawa - T. Suwa (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Localized intersection of currents and the Lefschetz coincidence point theorem (2016)
- C. Bisi - A. Calabri - M. Mella (J. Geom. Anal.)
On plane Cremona transformations of fixed degree (2015)
- C. Bisi - P. Cascini - L. Tasin (Michigan Math. J.)
A remark on the Ueno-Campana's threefold (2016)
- C. Bisi - G. Chiaselotti - D. Ciucci - T. Gentile - F. G. Infusino (Published Online: Inform. Sci.)
Micro and macro models of granular computing induced by the indiscernibility relation (2017)
- C. Bisi - G. Chiaselotti - T. Gentile - P. A. Oliverio (Adv. Geom.)
Dominance order on signed integer partitions (2017)
- C. Bisi - G. Chiaselotti - G. Marino - P. A. Oliverio (Adv. Geom.)
A natural extension of the Young partition lattice (2015)
- C. Bisi - J. P. Furter - S. Lamy (J. Éc. polytech. Math.)
The tame automorphism group of an affine quadric threefold acting on a square complex (2014)
- C. Bisi - C. Stoppato (Springer INdAM Ser. (Advances in hypercomplex analysis))
Regular vs. classical Möbius transformations of the quaternionic unit ball (2013)
- C. Bisi - C. Stoppato (Internat. J. Math.)
Landau's theorem for slice regular functions on the quaternionic unit ball (2017)
- A. Boralevi - D. Faenzi - P. Lella (Published Online: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN)
Truncated modules and linear presentations of vector bundles (2017)
- S. Borghesi - G. Tomassini (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
The coarse moduli space of a flat analytic groupoid (2015)
- S. Borghesi - G. Tomassini (Published Online: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Analytic stacks and hyperbolicity (2016)
- S. Borghini - L. Mazzieri (Preprint: arXiv:1605.04578 [math.DG])
Monotonicity formulas for static metrics with non-zero cosmological constant (2016)
- F. Bracci - J. Raissy - B. Stensønes (Submitted Paper: arXiv:1703.08423 [math.CV])
Automorphisms of C^2 with an invariant non-recurrent attracting Fatou component biholomorphic to CxC^* (2017)
- E. Buzano - A. Fino - L. Vezzoni (J. Differential Geom.)
The Calabi-Yau equation on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold, viewed as an S1-bundle over a 3-torus (2015)
- G. Calvaruso - A. Fino (Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.)
Four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous Ricci solitons (2015)
- G. Calvaruso - A. Fino - A. Zaeim (Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.))
Homogeneous geodesics of non-reductive homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian 4-manifolds (2015)
- H. D. Cao - G. Catino - Q. Chen - C. Mantegazza - L. Mazzieri (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Bach-flat gradient steady Ricci solitons (2014)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. Carriazo - V. Martín-Molina (J. Geom. Phys.)
Sasaki-Einstein and paraSasaki-Einstein metrics from (κ,μ)-structures (2013)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.)
Examples of compact K-contact manifolds with no Sasakian metric (2014)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (Preprint: arXiv:1510.04946 [math.DG])
Hard Lefschetz theorem for Vaisman manifolds (2015)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN)
Sasakian nilmanifolds (2015)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - J. C. Marrero - I. Yudin (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
A non-Sasakian Lefschetz K-contact manifold of Tievsky type (2016)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (Rev. Math. Phys.)
A survey on cosymplectic geometry (2013)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.)
Curvature properties of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds (2013)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (J. Differential Geom.)
Hard Lefschetz theorem for Sasakian manifolds (2015)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - A. De Nicola - I. Yudin (J. Geom. Phys.)
Cosymplectic p-spheres (2016)
- B. Cappelletti-Montano - G. Dileo (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Nearly Sasakian geometry and SU(2)-structures (2016)
- G. Catino - L. Cremaschi - Z. Djadli - C. Mantegazza - L. Mazzieri (Published Online: Pacific J. Math.)
The Ricci-Bourguignon Flow (2017)
- G. Catino - A. Deruelle - L. Mazzieri (Preprint: arXiv:1311.7499 [math.DG])
Uniqueness of asymptotically cylindrical gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (2014)
- G. Catino - C. Mantegazza - L. Mazzieri (Math. Ann.)
A note on Codazzi tensors (2015)
- G. Catino - C. Mantegazza - L. Mazzieri (Anal. PDE)
Locally conformally flat ancient Ricci flows (2015)
- G. Catino - L. Mazzieri (Nonlinear Anal.)
Gradient Einstein solitons (2016)
- G. Catino - L. Mazzieri - S. Mongodi (Commun. Contemp. Math.)
Rigidity of gradient Einstein shrinkers (2015)
- Z. Chen - A. Fino - Y. S. Poon (Differential Geom. Appl.)
Holomorphic Poisson structure and its cohomology on nilmanifolds (2016)
- G. Ciraolo - L. Vezzoni (Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's)
A remark on an overdetermined problem in Riemannian geometry (2016)
- G. Ciraolo - L. Vezzoni (Published Online: Commun. Contemp. Math.)
A rigidity problem on the round sphere (2016)
- G. Ciraolo - L. Vezzoni (Accepted Paper: J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS))
A sharp quantitative version of Alexandrov's theorem via the method of moving planes (2016)
- E. Colombo - P. Frediani - A. Ghigi (Internat. J. Math.)
On totally geodesic submanifolds in the Jacobian locus (2015)
- F. Colombo - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (Adv. Geom.)
Further properties of the Bergman spaces of slice regular functions (2015)
- F. Colombo - D. Peña Peña - I. Sabadini - F. Sommen (J. Math. Anal. Appl.)
A new integral formula for the inverse Fueter mapping theorem (2014)
- F. Colombo - I. Sabadini - D. C. Struppa (Book: SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
Entire slice regular functions (2016)
- S. Console - A. Fino - H. Kasuya (Transform. Groups)
On de Rham and Dolbeault cohomology of solvmanifolds (2016)
- D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.)
The odd side of torsion geometry (2014)
- D. Conti (Asian J. Math.)
SU(3)-holonomy metrics from nilpotent Lie groups (2014)
- D. Conti (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Intrinsic torsion in quaternionic contact geometry (2016)
- D. Conti - M. Fernández (Math. Nachr.)
Einstein almost cokähler manifolds (2016)
- D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (Transform. Groups)
Harmonic structures and intrinsic torsion (2015)
- D. Conti - T. B. Madsen (Complex Manifolds)
Invariant torsion and G_2-metrics (2015)
- D. Conti - T. B. Madsen - S. Salamon (Preprint: arXiv:1610.04833 [math.DG])
Quaternionic geometry in dimension eight (2016)
- D. Conti - M. Fernández - J. A. Santisteban (Forum Math.)
On seven-dimensional quaternionic contact solvable Lie groups (2014)
- G. Cousin (Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble))
Un exemple de feuilletage modulaire déduit d'une solution algébrique de l'équation de Painlevé VI (2014)
- G. Cousin (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Projective representations of fundamental groups of quasiprojective varieties: a realization and a lifting result (2015)
- G. Cousin (Published Online: Math. Ann.)
Algebraic isomonodromic deformations of logarithmic connections on the Riemann sphere and finite braid group orbits on character varieties (2017)
- G. Cousin - L. G. Mendes - I. Pan (Preprint: arXiv:1701.00790 [math.AG])
Birational geometry of foliations associated to simple derivations and generalizations (2017)
- G. Cousin - D. Moussard (Published online: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN)
Finite braid group orbits in Aff(C)-character varieties of the punctured sphere (2017)
- G. Cousin - J. V. Pereira (Math. Res. Lett.)
Transversely affine foliations on projective manifolds (2014)
- E. Delay - L. Mazzieri (Geom. Dedicata)
Refined gluing for vacuum Einstein constraint equations (2014)
- C. Della Rocchetta - G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti (Springer INdAM Ser. (Advances in hypercomplex analysis))
A Bloch-Landau theorem for slice regular functions (2013)
- J. P. Díaz - A. Verjovsky - F. Vlacci (Preprint: arXiv:1503.07214 [math.GT])
Quaternionic Kleinian modular groups and arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds over the quaternions (2015)
- N. Enrietti - A. Fino - G. Grantcharov (J. Geom. Phys.)
Tamed symplectic forms and generalized geometry (2013)
- N. Enrietti - A. Fino - L. Vezzoni (J. Geom. Anal.)
The pluriclosed flow on nilmanifolds and Tamed symplectic forms (2015)
- R. T. Farouki - G. Gentili - C. Giannelli - A. Sestini - C. Stoppato (J. Symbolic Comput.)
Solution of a quadratic quaternion equation with mixed coefficients (2016)
- R. T. Farouki - G. Gentili - C. Giannelli - A. Sestini - C. Stoppato (Adv. Comput. Math.)
A comprehensive characterization of the set of polynomial curves with rational rotation-minimizing frames (2017)
- M. Fernández - A. Fino - V. Manero (Asian J. Math.)
G_2-structures on Einstein solvmanifolds (2015)
- M. Fernández - A. Fino - V. Manero (J. Geom. Anal.)
Laplacian flow of closed G2-structures inducing nilsolitons (2016)
- M. Fernández - A. Fino - A. Raffero (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
Locally conformal calibrated G2-manifolds (2016)
- A. Fino - G. Grantcharov - M. Verbitsky (Preprint: arXiv:1603.01877 [math.DG])
Algebraic dimension of complex nilmanifolds (2016)
- A. Fino - G. Grantcharov - L. Vezzoni (Preprint: arXiv:1608.06743 [math.DG])
Astheno-Kähler and balanced structures on fibrations (2016)
- A. Fino - H. Kasuya (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Tamed symplectic structures on compact solvmanifolds of completely solvable type (2016)
- A. Fino - H. Kasuya - L. Vezzoni (Tohoku Math. J.)
SKT and Tamed symplectic structures on solvmanifolds (2015)
- A. Fino - I. Kath (Preprint: arXiv:1604.00528 [math.DG])
Holonomy groups of $G_2^*$-manifolds (2016)
- A. Fino - I. Luján (Adv. Geom.)
Torsion-free G*2(2)-structures with full holonomy on nilmanifolds (2015)
- A. Fino - P. Nurowski (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Analog of selfduality in dimension nine (2015)
- A. Fino - A. Raffero (Symmetry)
Coupled SU(3)-structures and supersymmetry (2015)
- A. Fino - L. Vezzoni (J. Geom. Phys.)
Special Hermitian metrics on compact solvmanifolds (2015)
- A. Fino - L. Vezzoni (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
On the existence of balanced and SKT metrics on nilmanifolds (2016)
- C. Fontanari - R. Ghiloni - P. Lella (Preprint: arXiv:1607.08437 [math.AG])
Towards Fulton's conjecture (2016)
- P. Frediani - A. Ghigi - M. Penegini (Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN)
Shimura varieties in the Torelli locus via Galois coverings (2015)
- S. G. Gal - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.)
On some geometric properties of slice regular functions of a quaternion variable (2015)
- S. G. Gal - J. Ó. González-Cervantes - I. Sabadini (Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.)
Univalence results for slice regular functions of a quaternion variable (2015)
- S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.)
Walsh equiconvergence theorems in the quaternionic setting (2014)
- S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (Math. Methods Appl. Sci.)
Approximation by polynomials on quaternionic compact sets (2015)
- S. G. Gal - I. Sabadini (Math. Nachr.)
Universality properties of the quaternionic power series and entire functions (2015)
- G. Gentili - A. Gori - G. Sarfatti (Math. Nachr.)
A direct approach to quaternionic manifolds (2017)
- G. Gentili - S. Salamon - C. Stoppato (J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS))
Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures (2014)
- G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti (Pacific J. Math.)
Landau-Toeplitz theorems for slice regular functions over quaternions (2013)
- G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti (New York J. Math.)
The Mittag-Leffler Theorem for regular functions of a quaternionic
variable (2017)
- G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti - D. C. Struppa (Math. Res. Lett.)
Ideals of regular functions of a quaternionic variable (2016)
- G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti - D. C. Struppa (in press: Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma)
A family of Cauchy-Riemann type operators (2020)
- G. Gentili - gori - G. Sarfatti (J. Symplectic Geom.)
Quaternionic toric manifolds (2019)
- A. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (Trends Math. (Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications))
Spectral properties of compact normal quaternionic operators (2014)
- R. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (Rev. Math. Phys.)
Continuous slice functional calculus in quaternionic Hilbert spaces (2013)
- R. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (Res. Perspect. (Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications))
Slice functional calculus in quaternionic Hilbert spaces (2015)
- R. Ghiloni - V. Moretti - A. Perotti (Preprint: arXiv:1602.02661 [math.FA])
Spectral representations of normal operators via Intertwining Quaternionic Projection Valued Measures (2016)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (Math. Nachr.)
Global differential equations for slice regular functions (2014)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Power and spherical series over real alternative ∗-algebras (2014)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti (J. Algebra Appl.)
Lagrange polynomials over Clifford numbers (2015)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti - V. Recupero (Complex Anal. Oper. Theory)
Noncommutative Cauchy integral formula (2017)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti - C. Stoppato (Adv. Math.)
Singularities of slice regular functions over real alternative *-algebras (2017)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Perotti - C. Stoppato (Published Online: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
The algebra of slice functions (2017)
- R. Ghiloni - V. Recupero (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Semigroups over real alternative *-algebras: generation theorems and spherical sectorial operators (2016)
- R. Ghiloni - V. Recupero (Preprint: arXiv:1605.01645 [math.FA])
Slice regular semigroups (2016)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Tancredi (Rev. Mat. Complut.)
Algebraic models of symmetric Nash sets (2014)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Tancredi (Adv. Geom.)
On the algebraic models of symmetric smooth manifolds (2014)
- R. Ghiloni - A. Tancredi (J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS))
Algebraicity of Nash sets and of their asymmetric cobordism (2017)
- M. M. Gonzalez - L. Mazzieri (Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.))
Singularities for a fully non-linear elliptic equation in conformal geometry (2014)
- A. Gori - F. Vlacci (Submitted Paper)
A note on the Bieberbach conjecture for some classes of slice regular functions (2017)
- A. Gori - F. Vlacci (Submitted Paper)
On a criterion of local invertibility and conformality for slice regular quaternionic functions (2017)
- A. Gori - F. Vlacci (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Starlikeness for functions of a hypercomplex variable (2017)
- S. G. Krantz - M. M. Peloso - C. Stoppato (Preprint: arXiv:1509.06383 [math.CV])
Completeness on the worm domain and the Müntz-Szász problem for the Bergman space (2015)
- S. G. Krantz - M. M. Peloso - C. Stoppato (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Bergman kernel and projection on the unbounded Diederich-Fornæss worm domain (2016)
- A. Loi - R. Mossa - F. Zuddas (Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.)
Some remarks on the Gromov width of homogeneous Hodge manifolds (2014)
- A. Loi - R. Mossa - F. Zuddas (J. Symplectic Geom.)
Symplectic capacities of Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type (2015)
- A. Loi - R. Mossa - F. Zuddas (Ann. Global Anal. Geom.)
The log-term of the Bergman kernel of the disc bundle over a homogeneous Hodge manifold (2017)
- A. Loi - M. Zedda (Manuscripta Math.)
On the coefficients of TYZ expansion of locally Hermitian symmetric spaces (2015)
- A. Loi - F. Zuddas (Differential Geom. Appl.)
On the Gromov width of homogeneous Kähler manifolds (2016)
- V. Magnani - J. Malý - S. Mongodi (J. Geom. Anal.)
A low rank property and nonexistence of higher dimensional horizontal Sobolev sets (2015)
- S. Mongodi (Rev. Mat. Iberoam.)
Positive metric currents and holomorphic chains in Hilbert spaces (2015)
- S. Mongodi - A. Saracco (Complex Manifolds)
Non compact boundaries of complex analytic varieties in Hilbert spaces (2014)
- S. Mongodi - Z. Slodkowski - G. Tomassini (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
On weakly complete surfaces (2015)
- S. Mongodi - Z. Slodkowski - G. Tomassini (Accepted Paper: Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Weakly complete complex surfaces (2016)
- S. Mongodi - Z. Slodkowski - G. Tomassini (Preprint: arXiv:1611.05637 [math.CV])
Some properties of Grauert type surfaces (2017)
- S. Mongodi - G. Tomassini (Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Mat. Appl. (5))
Transversally pseudoconvex semiholomorphic foliations (2015)
- S. Mongodi - G. Tomassini (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
1-complete semiholomorphic foliations (2016)
- H. Peters - J. Raissy (Accepted Paper: Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems)
Fatou components of elliptic polynomial skew products (2017)
- J. Raissy (Springer Proc. Math. Stat. (Complex analysis and geometry))
The Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem and its generalizations (2015)
- J. Raissy (Published Online: Boll. Unione Mat. Ital.)
Polynomial skew-products in dimension 2: bulging and wandering Fatou components (2016)
- J. Raissy - L. Vivas (Math. Res. Lett.)
Dynamics of two-resonant biholomorphisms (2013)
- I. Sabadini - A. Saracco (Published Online: J. London Math. Soc.)
Carleson measures for Hardy and Bergman spaces in the quaternionic unit ball (2017)
- A. Santi (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.)
A generalized integrability problem for G-Structures (2016)
- A. Santi (Published Online: Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg.)
Almost CR quaternionic manifolds and their immersibility in HP^n (2017)
- A. Saracco (Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv.)
Discrete sequences in unbounded domains (2017)
- A. Saracco (Accepted Paper: Mathematical Analysis and Applications: Selected Topics)
The Corona problem. Carleson measures and applications (2017)
- G. Sarfatti (Bruno Pini Math. Anal. Semin.)
The quaternionic Hardy space and the geometry of the unit ball (2015)
- G. Sarfatti (Indiana U. Math. J.)
Quaternionic Hankel operators and approximation by slice regular
functions (2016)
- L. Vezzoni (Complex Manifolds)
On the Calabi-Yau equation in the Kodaira-Thurston manifold (2016)
- L. Vezzoni - M. Zedda (Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4))
On the J-flow in Sasakian manifolds (2016)
- F. Vlacci (Springer INdAM Ser. (Advances in hypercomplex analysis))
Regular composition for slice-regular functions of quaternionic variable (2013)
- F. Vlacci (Contemp. Math. (Complex analysis and dynamical systems VI. Part 2))
A survey on quasiconformal functions with application to the case of functions of a hypercomplex variable (2016)
- F. Vlacci (Accepted Paper: Adv. Geom.)
Vieta's formulae for regular polynomials of a quaternionic variable (2017)
- M. Zedda (Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg.)
A note on the coefficients of Rawnsley's epsilon function of Cartan-Hartogs domains (2015)
- M. Zedda (J. Geom. Phys.)
Berezin-Engliš' quantization of Cartan-Hartogs domains (2016)
- M. Zedda (Ann. Global Anal. Geom.)
On the convergence of the Sasaki J-flow (2016)
- C. de Fabritiis - G. Gentili - G. Sarfatti (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Quaternionic Hardy spaces (2018)