Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Workshop "Bielefeld Geometry & Topology Days"


Thursday 2 jul 2015
14:00 O. Goertsches A localization formula for Riemannian foliations
15:00 M. Zedda The J-flow on Sasakian manifolds
15:55 Coffee break
16:30 M. Amman Positive curvature and topology
17:25 Discussion
19:00 Dinner
Friday 3 jul 2015
09:00 M. Radeschi Actions of tori on rationally elliptic manifolds
10:00 D. Petrecca Different geometries on the space of Kähler and Sasakian metrics
10:55 Coffee break
11:30 M. Dyckmanns The HK/QK correspondence
12:25 Lunch break
14:00 D. Angella On the Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomology
15:00 M. Freibert On the holonomy groups obtained by the left-invariant Hitchin and hypo flow
15:55 Coffee break
16:30 Discussion
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