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Workshop "Bielefeld Geometry & Topology Days"

A localization formula for Riemannian foliations

Oliver Goertsches

created by daniele on 13 Apr 2015
modified on 20 May 2015

2 jul 2015 -- 14:00

Bielefeld University


The Atiyah-Bott-Berline-Vergne localization formula allows, in presence of a torus action, to localize the integral of certain differential forms to the fixed point set of the action. In this talk I will report on a generalization of this formula for Riemannian foliations in which the role of the fixed point set is played by the closed leaves of the foliation. One can apply the formula to compute various geometric quantities, such as the volume of Sasakian manifolds or secondary characteristic numbers of Riemannian foliations. The talk is based on joint work with Hiraku Nozawa and Dirk Töben.

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