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Workshop "Bielefeld Geometry & Topology Days"

Positive curvature and topology

Manuel Amman

created by daniele on 13 Apr 2015
modified on 20 May 2015

2 jul 2015 -- 16:30

Bielefeld University


Manifolds admitting metrics of positive sectional curvature are conjectured to have a very rigid topological structure. However, this structure is still highly speculative and the strongest results in this direction are known under the assumption of Lie group actions. In this talk I shall try to illustrate this interplay between geometry, symmetry and topology. In particular, using such symmetry assumptions, I will speak about generalisations of a conjecture by Hopf which states that $\mathbb{S}^2×\mathbb{S}^2$ cannot carry a metric of positive curvature. Presented results come from joint work with Lee Kennard.

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