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Special Hermitian metrics on non-Kähler manifolds

The holonomy problem for locally conformally Kähler metrics

Andrei Moroianu

created by daniele on 28 Dec 2015
modified on 31 Mar 2016

20 apr 2016 -- 16:00

Aula Tricerri, DiMaI, Firenze


A locally conformally Kähler (lcK) manifold is a complex manifold $(M,J)$ together with a $J$-compatible Riemannian metric $g$ which has the property that around every point of $M$ there exists a locally defi.ned Kähler metric belonging to the conformal class of $g$. In this talk I will explain the classification of compact lcK manifolds with reduced holonomy obtained in collaboration with Farid Madani and Mihaela Pilca. In particular, I will describe all compact manifolds admitting two non-homothetic Kähler metrics in the same conformal class.

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