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Max LX - Miniworkshop on Non-Kählerian Geometry

created by daniele on 29 Mar 2019
modified on 27 May 2019

27 may 2019 - 28 may 2019

DiMaI, Firenze

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Dear all,

we are happy to announce a mini-workshop on "Non-Kählerian Geometry" that will be held in Firenze on monday May 27 and tuesday May 28. The "Max LX" in the title is because we will celebrate Max Pontecorvo's 60th birthday!!

The workshop will start on monday morning at 09:30 and end at lunchtime on tuesday. The talks will take place at Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini", Università di Firenze, that supports the event. Invited speakers include:
- Fiammetta Battaglia
- Paul Gauduchon
- Andrei Moroianu
- Alexandra Otiman
- Paolo Piccinni
- Fabio Podestà
- Simon Salamon
- Adriano Tomassini
- Victor Vuletescu
More details at

Everyone is welcome to join!
Please, if you are interested in attending the workshop and/or the social dinner (on monday evening), contact daniele.angella(AT), specifying dietary restrictions.

Please forward this message to whom may be interested in attending!

Looking forward to seeing you in Firenze,
Liviu, Daniele

Organizers: Daniele Angella, Liviu Ornea.


27 May 2019
09:30 - P. Piccinni: Remarks on some $4$-forms in $\mathbb R^8$ and $\mathbb R^{16}$
10:30 - F. Battaglia: Hirzebruch surfaces in a one-parameter family
12:00 - F. Podesta': TBA
14:30 - V. Vuletescu: Locally conformally K\"ahler surfaces: a survey
16:00 - A. Moroianu: Locally conformally Kähler manifolds with holomorphic Lee field
17:00 - S. Salamon: Quotients of twistor space
28 May 2019
09:30 - A. Tomassini: On the $J$-anti-invariant and symplectic cohomologies
10:30 - A. Otiman: Hermitian and Complex Geometry of a subclass of Kato manifolds
12:00 - P. Gauduchon: Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kaehler manifolds

Speakers: Fiammetta Battaglia, Paul Gauduchon, Andrei Moroianu, Alexandra Otiman, Paolo Piccinni, Fabio Podesta', Simon Salamon, Adriano Tomassini, Victor Vuletescu.


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