31 mar 2018
Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern University in Savannah, GA
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
This is the first announcement for
"A Day of Algebraic Geometry in Savannah"
workshop which will take place at the Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern University in Savannah, GA, March 31st 2018.
List of speakers:
Valery Alexeev (UGA)
Matthew Ballard (USC)
Ana-Maria Castravet (Northeastern)
Angela Gibney ** (Rutgers)
Emanuele Macrì (Northeastern)
For more information on the meeting and registration, please check the website
Hoping to see you in Savannah,
Jim Brawner
Sungkon Chan
Jimmy Dillies
Davide Fusi (USC)
Enka Lakuriqi
* to be confirmed