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Special Hermitian metrics on non-Kähler manifolds


Wednesday 20 apr 2016
08:30 registration
09:00 B. Weinkove The complex Monge-Ampère equation on non-Kähler manifolds, 1
10:00 coffee break
10:30 A. Otiman Constructions in locally conformally symplectic geometry
11:30 M. Stanciu Constructions involving the blow-up of locally conformally symplectic manifolds
12:00 lunch break
14:30 L. Ornea On the rank of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds
15:30 coffee break
16:00 A. Moroianu The holonomy problem for locally conformally Kähler metrics
Thursday 21 apr 2016
09:00 B. Weinkove The complex Monge-Ampère equation on non-Kähler manifolds, 2
10:00 coffee break
10:30 M. Pontecorvo Bi-Hermitian metrics on Kato surfaces
11:30 N. Tardini Geometrically Bott-Chern formal metrics
12:00 lunch break
14:30 V. Apostolov Locally Conformally Symplectic Structures on Compact Non-Kaehler Complex Surfaces
15:30 coffee break
16:00 A. Fino Special hermitian metrics in symplectic geometry
Friday 22 apr 2016
09:00 B. Weinkove The complex Monge-Ampère equation on non-Kähler manifolds, 3
10:00 coffee break
10:30 M. Lock Special Hermitian metrics characterized by relationships between scalar curvatures
11:30 lunch break
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