Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Non-oscillating trajectories and o-minimality

Jean-Philippe Rolin

created by daniele on 29 Oct 2014

30 oct 2014 -- 11:00

Aula Riunioni, DM, Pisa

Seminario di o-minimalità, Pisa


We give an introduction to the theory of o-minimality, which can be seen as a generalization of the classical real analytic geometry. Our starting point is the qualitative study of trajectories of real analytic vector fields in the neighborhood of a singularity. More preciseley, we will focus on the oscillatory behavior of these curves. This approach will naturally lead us to the notion of o-minimal structure, and the related notion of quasianalyticity. This talk will be essentially self-contained, and the notions will mostly be illustrated by elementary examples.

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