Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Segre numbers of tautological bundles on Hilbert schemes

Claire Voisin

created by risa on 17 Nov 2017

22 nov 2017 -- 14:00

Aula di Consiglio, Dip.Matematica, Università "La Sapienza", Roma


We establish geometric vanishings in certain ranges for top Segre classes of tautological bundles of punctual Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces and K3 surfaces blown-up at one point. We show how all these Segre numbers for any surface and any polarization are formally determined by these vanishings. Building on these results, Marian-Oprea-Pandharipande and Szenes-Vergne completed the proof of the Lehn conjecture giving a formula for the generating function determined by these numbers.

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