Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Kaehlerian Reduction

Peter Heinzner

created by risa on 02 Oct 2017

3 oct 2017 -- 16:00

Aula D'Antoni, Dip.Matematica, Università "Tor Vergata", Roma


In this talk we will consider Hamiltonian actions of groups of holomorphic Kaehler isometries on Kaehlerian manifolds. In the rare cases where the orbit spaces are smooth it is well known that the corresponding quotient spaces in the sense of Marsen Weinstein are Kaehler manifolds as well. We will show that in the general case the quotient has a natural structure of a Kaehler space. The main tool in the proof is the construction of invariant Kaehler potentials for not necessarily compact group actions.

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