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Chern-Yamabe problem

Mehdi Lejmi

created by daniele on 19 Jun 2017

22 jun 2017 -- 14:30

Aula S, Dipartimento "Giuseppe Peano", Torino


On an almost Hermitian manifold the Chern connection is the unique Hermitian connection with J-anti-invariant torsion. In this talk, we compare the Chern scalar curvature with the Riemannian one. Moreover, we study an analog of Yamabe problem by looking for an almost Hermitian metric with constant Chern scalar curvature in a conformal class extending results of Angella, Calamai and Spotti to the non-integrable case.
We also study the Chern-Yamabe flow and get existence of solutions when the Chern scalar curvature is small enough. This is joint work with Markus Upmeier and Ali Maalaoui.

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