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Uniqueness and persistence of minimal Lagrangian submanifolds

Tommaso Pacini

created by collari on 16 May 2017
modified on 22 May 2017

22 may 2017 -- 17:30

Aula Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica, Pisa

Seminari dei Baby-Geometri


I will discuss the "hows and whys" of the following recent results (joint with J.Lotay, UCL): 1) in a negative Kaehler–Einstein manifold M, compact minimal Lagrangian submanifolds L are locally unique; 2) for any small Kaehler–Einstein perturbation of M there corresponds a deformation of L which is minimal Lagrangian with respect to the new structure.

These results are also available on arXiv:1704.08226

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