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Galois embeddings of abelian varieties and a question raised by Ekedahl-Serre

Robert Auffarth

created by risa on 21 Apr 2017

27 apr 2017 -- 14:30

Aula 211, Dip.Matematica, Università "Roma Tre", Roma


For a smooth projective n-dimensional variety X⊂PN, let W be a linear subspace of PN of dimension N-n-1 that is disjoint from X and let πW:X→PN be the linear projection associated to W. A natural question to ask is: when does this projection induce a Galois extension of function fields? We will address this question in the case that X is an abelian variety. Moreover, we will relate this discussion to a question asked by Ekedahl and Serre on Jacobian varieties that are isogenous to the product of elliptic curves.

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