Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Gometry of solvmanifolds with invariant complex structures

Luis Ugarte

created by daniele on 22 Mar 2017

28 mar 2017 -- 14:00

Aula 3014, U5, Università di Milano Bicocca


In this talk we consider the class of solvmanifolds endowed with invariant complex structures whose canonical bundle is holomorphically trivial, which in particular includes the complex nilmanifolds. In complex dimension 3, the existence of important classes of Hermitian metrics can be studied, such as Hermitian-symplectic, strong Kähler with torsion, balanced and strongly Gauduchon metrics. We will discuss some aspects of these special Hermitian geometries as well as their behaviour under holomorphic deformations of the complex structure.

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