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SMI course "Kaehler-Einstein metrics"

Hypersymplectic $4$-manifolds, the $G_2$ Laplacian flow and extension under bounded torsion

Chengjian Yao

created by daniele on 23 Feb 2017
modified by tardini on 22 Mar 2017

4 may 2017 -- 14:30



Hypersymplectic structure was introduced by Donaldson in his programme of studying the adiabatic limits of $G_2$ manifolds. It is triple of symplectic forms on a differentiable $4$-manifold, spanning a maximal positive subspace of $\Lambda^2$ at each point. HyperKaehler manifolds of dimension $4$ give rich sources of hypersymplectic structures, and were conjectured by Donaldson to be the ``only source" in the compact case. We study a geometric flow of such structures, designing to deform a given hypersymplectic structure to a hyperKaehler one in the same cohomology class. We show that the flow does not develop finite time singularity with uniformly bounded torsion. Notice that our flow is a dimensional reduction of the more well-known $G_2$ Laplacian flow introduced by Hitchin and Bryant to study the existence of metrics with $G_2$ holonomy. This is a joint work with Joel Fine.

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