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Maroni Divisors on Hurwitz Spaces

Alexis Kouvidakis

created by risa on 08 Jun 2016

16 jun 2016 -- 15:45

Aula 211, Dip.Matematica, Università "Roma Tre", Roma


The moduli spaces H{d,g} of covers of genus g and degree d of the projective line are known as Hurwitz spaces. We will discuss the Maroni stratification on such Hurwitz spaces. This stratification has a stratum that is a divisor only if d ??? 1 divides g and we will approximate the class of this divisor in the compactified Hurwitz space. We will also construct an analogue of the above dvivisors on the Hurwitz spaces H{d,g} for all pairs (d,g) with d less or equal than g, with a few exceptions. This is joint work with Gerard van der Geer.

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