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Log Birational boundedness of Calabi-Yau pairs

Gabriele Di Cerbo

created by risa on 08 Jun 2016

13 jun 2016 -- 14:30

Aula 211, Dip.Matematica, Università "Roma Tre", Roma


I will discuss an ongoing joint work with Roberto Svaldi on boundedness of Calabi-Yau pairs. Recent works in the minimal model program suggest that pairs with trivial log canonical class should satisfy some boundedness properties. I will show that Calabi-Yau pairs which are not birational to a product are indeed log birationally bounded, if the dimension is less than 4. In higher dimensions, the same statement can be deduced assuming the BAB conjecture. If time permits, I will discuss applications of this result to elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds.

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