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New invariant solutions to the Strominger system

Antonio Otal German

created by daniele on 21 May 2016
modified by calamai on 28 Jun 2016

4 jul 2016 -- 11:30

Aula Tricerri, DiMaI, Firenze

SIR2014 AnHyC


A model for string theory was proposed by Candelas, Horowitz, Strominger and Witten involving a ten dimensional space. This space is the product of a 4-dim. Lorentzian spacetime and a compact Calabi-Yau manifold M6. Strominger generalized the previous construction allowing a background $M^6$ with a non-zero torsion. This led to a complicated system of PDEs, known as the Strominger system, written in terms of the fermionic and bosonic fields relevant in the physical theory. This system can be reformulated in a geometrical way involving linear connections defined on several bundles over the background $M^6$. Several works have been devoted since then to find solutions to this system.

In this talk we present compact solvmanifolds providing many solutions to the Strominger system with respect to a 2-parameter family of metric connections. This family is a natural extension of the canonical 1-parameter family of Hermitian connections given by Gauduchon and includes other metric connections of interest in the theory, like the Levi-Civita connection or the Hull connection. Some of the examples solve in addition the most restrictive system of heterotic equations of motion.

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