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Maximal representations, non Archimedean Siegel spaces, and buildings

Marc Burger

created by risa on 15 Apr 2016

20 apr 2016 -- 14:30

Aula di Consiglio, Dip.Matematica, Università "La Sapienza", Roma


Maximal representations of the fundamental group G of a compact surface S into a real symplectic group Sp(V) are natural generalisations of the holonomy representations of G into SL(2,R) associated to hyperbolic structures on S. Maximal representations are injective, have discrete image, and their images in Sp(V) can be seen as higher rank analogues of Kleinian groups. A lot of activity in the last decade has been devoted to understand which features of classical hyperbolic geometry and Teichmueller spaces generalize to this setting. In this talk I will report on joint work with Beatrice Pozzetti, were we study the structure of representations associated to points in the real spectrum compactification of the semi-algebraic set formed by characters of maximal representations. The talk will be accessible to a general audience

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