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Quantitative flatness results and BV-estimates for nonlocal minimal surfaces.

Eleonora Cinti

created by risa on 14 Apr 2016

19 apr 2016 -- 14:30

Aula Dal Passo, Dip.Matematica, Università "Tor Vergata", Roma


We establish quantitative properties of minimizers and stable sets for nonlocal interaction functionals, including the $s$-fractional perimeter as a particular case. On the one hand, we establish universal BV-estimates in every dimension $n\ge 2$ for stable sets. This nonlocal result is new even in the case of $s$-perimeters and its local counterpart (for classical stable minimal surfaces) was known, under some topological assumptions, only in dimension $n=3$. On the other hand, we prove quantitative flatness estimates for minimizers and stable sets in low dimensions $n=2,3$. More precisely, we show that a stable set in $B_R$, with $R$ large, is very close in measure to being a half space in $B_1$ --- with a quantitative estimate on the measure of the symmetric difference. As a byproduct, we obtain new classification results for stable sets in the whole plane. This is a joint work with J. Serra and E. Valdinoci.

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