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Divisors on curves: from classical to modern geometry

Rahul Pandharipande

created by risa on 02 Mar 2016

10 mar 2016 -- 16:00

Aula F, Dip. Matematica, Università "Roma Tre", Roma


Every meromorphic function F on a Riemann surface C has a divisor Div(F) of zeros and poles. When is a divisor on C obtained from a meromorphic function? This question underlies much of the classical study of curves. A modern turn in the subject comes by viewing the answer as a cycle over the moduli space of curves. In 2014, Pixton proposed a complete formula for the class of the associated cycle. I will give an overview of the subject and a sketch of the very recent proof of Pixton's formula (joint work with Janda, Pixton, and Zvonkine).

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