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Scheme theoretic tropicalization (PhD Minicourse - First Lecture)

Olivier Lorscheid

created by risa on 16 Feb 2016

22 feb 2016 -- 11:00

Aula 311, Dip. Matematica, Università "Roma Tre", Roma


After Kajiwara and Payne's works in the late 2000's, it was well-understood how to tropicalize a closed subvariety of a toric variety. In recent years, this process got generalized in different direcetions. While Jeff and Noah Giansiracusa enhanced tropical varieties with an underlying scheme structure, employing the theory of so-called semiring schemes, Thuillier and Ulirsch replaced the ambient toric variety by toroidal embeddings, or more general, a log structure. In this series of three lectures, we will show how all of these theories can be understood on a common basis by using the language of so-called blueprints. After reviewing the above mentioned concepts, we will introduce bluprints and blue schemes. We redefine the tropicalization of a variety as the solution to a certain moduli problem and consruct the corresponding moduli space under some ambient hypothesis. Finally, we show how to recover the above mentioned theories within the languange of blue schemes.


Monday 22 February, hour 11-13 (Room 311)

Tuesday 23 February, hour 10:30-12:30 (Room 311)

Thursday 25 February, hour 10:30-12:30 (Room 311)


O. Lorscheid: Scheme theoretic tropicalization. Preprint arXiv:1508.07949.

J. Giansiracusa, N. Giansiracusa: Equations of tropical varieties. Preprint arxiv:1308.0042.

O. Lorscheid: Blue schemes as relative schemes after Toen and Vaquie. Preprint arxiv:1212.3261.

O. Lorscheid, C. Salgado: Schemes as functors on topological rings. J. Number Theory 159, 193-201, 2016.

D. Maclagan, F. Rincon: Tropical schemes, tropical cycles, and valuated matroids. Preprint arXiv:1401.4654.

A. Thuillier: Geometrie toroidale et geometrie analytique non archimedienne. Application au type de homotopie de certains schemas formels. Manuscripta Math. 123 (2007), 381-51.

M. Ulirsch: Functorial tropicalization of logarithmic schemes: the case of constant coefficients. Preprint availble at


A solid understanding of scheme theory (e.g. Chapter 2 of Hartshorne's book).

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