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Hsiang-Pati coordinates

Edward Bierestone

created by daniele on 19 Jun 2014

24 jun 2014 -- 14:30

Aula Riunioni (DM, Pisa)


Recent progress on the problems of monomialization of differential forms or of a Fubini-Study metric on a singular complex variety. The problems were originally motivated by possible applications to $L_2$ and intersection cohomology. Earlier results of Hsiang-Pati and Pardon-Stern give solutions for surfaces with isolated singularities. Recent results include: (1) Equivalence of Hsiang-Pati parametrization and principalization of logarithmic Fitting ideals. (2) Solution of the main problems in the general 3-dimensional case.

(Work in collaboration with Andre Belotto, Vincent Grandjean, Pierre Milman and Franklin Vera Pacheco.)

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