22 sep 2015 -- 15:00
Aula Bianchi scienze, SNS, Pisa
GR14 SNS "Geometry of non Kähler manifolds"
The Gromov width of a symplectic $n$-dimensional manifold $M$ gives the sup of the $r>0$ such that there exists a symplectic embedding of the open ball of radius $r$ of the euclidean $n$-dimensional space (endowed with the standard symplectic form) into $M$.
In this talk we compute the Gromov width of Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact and non-compact type.
The theorems we present are contained in a paper joint with A.Loi and R.Mossa recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Symplectic Geometry, and generalize analogous results proved by Guangcun Lu for Grassmannians and their products.