Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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6th Northern Germany differential geometry day

Homogeneous almost quaternionic pseudo-Hermitian spaces

Benedict Meinke

created by petrecca on 25 May 2015

5 jun 2015 -- 14:30

R. 423 (Konferenzraum)


In 2011 Ahmed and Zeghib studied irreducible homogeneous almost complex manifolds with index 2. They proved that such manifolds are Kähler. In my talk I will show how their methods and ideas can be used to study the quaternionic setting, i.e. irreducible homogeneous spaces of index 4 which admit an almost hypercomplex or an almost quaternionic structure. It will turn out that these spaces are hyper Kähler or quaternionic Kähler respectively.

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