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Convergence of Bergman metrics on Kähler and symplectic manifolds

Xiaonan Ma

created by daniele on 23 May 2014
modified on 26 May 2014

28 may 2014 -- 10:00

Sala Conferenze (Puteano, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa)


For a compact K\"ahler manifold $X$ endowed with a Hermitian positive holomorphic positive line bundle $L$, The Bergman metric at level $p$ is defined as the rescaled induced Fubini-Study metric for the Kodaira embedding of $X$ into the projective space associated to $L^p$. A theorem of Tian said that this Bergman metric will converge to the original Käher form. We will explain some of its implications on the zero of radom sections of $L^p$. Then we will explain a symplectic analogue of Tian's theorem with optimal convergence speed.

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