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A Complex Geometry Day

Representations of Atiyah algebroids and logarithmic connections

Pietro Tortella

created by daniele on 28 Mar 2015
modified on 27 Apr 2015

15 may 2015 -- 09:20

Sala Conferenze, Collegio Puteano, Pisa


We study representations of the Atiyah algebroid of a line bundle, and establish some relation with flat logarithmic connections. Thus we are able to formulate in a natural way established properties of logarithmic connections. As an application, we give a ``functorial'' definition of the residue of a logarithmic connection, and show that Deligne's Riemann-Hilbert correspondence between representations of the fundamental group and flat meromorphic bundles follows directly from the second theorem of Lie for Lie algebroids-groupoids.

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