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A Morse-Bott approach to the Triangulation conjecture

Francesco Lin

created by daniele on 19 Apr 2014
modified on 23 May 2014

16 jul 2014 -- 16:00

Sala Seminari (DM, Pisa)

Seminari di Geometria


Manolescu has recently given a negative answer to the celebrated Triangulation conjecture (first stated by Kneser in 1924). His disproof relies on the construction of a new invariant of spin rational homology three spheres obtained by studying the Seiberg-Witten equations from a homotopy-theoretic point of view. In the present talk we discuss how to construct the analoguous invariants in the Morse-theoretic framework of Kronheimer and Mrowka's monopole Floer homology. This approach works on every three manifold and is functorial under cobordisms.

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