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Ricci curvature, graphs and Coxeter groups

Viola Siconolfi

created by daniele on 05 Oct 2021

7 oct 2021 -- 15:00

Aula Magna, DM, Pisa

Seminario di Combinatoria, Teoria di Lie e Topologia di Pisa


I will talk about a notion of curvature for graphs introduced by Schmuckenschläger which is defined as an analogue of Ricci curvature. This quantity can be computed explicitly for various graphs and allows to find bounds on the spectral gap of the graph and isoperimetric-type inequalities. I will present some general results on the computation of the discrete Ricci curvature of any locally finite graph. I will then focus on graphs associated with Coxeter groups: Bruhat graphs, weak order graphs and Hasse diagrams of the Bruhat order.

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