9 nov 2021 -- 16:00
Differential Geometry Seminar Torino (online)
A CMC surface in 3-space is constrained Willmore and isothermic. It is well known that these 3 surface classes are each determined by a family of flat connections. In this talk we discuss links between the corresponding families of flat connections: we show that parallel sections of the associated family of flat connections of the harmonic Gauss map give algebraically the parallel sections of the other families. In particular, we obtain links between transformations of CMC surfaces, isothermic surfaces and constrained Willmore surfaces which are given by parallel sections, such as the associated family, the simple factor dressing and the Darboux transformation.
The link of the virtual room will be sent one day before the talk to all registered participants. To register, please send an e-mail to dgseminar.torino@gmail.com