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Recent developments on the existence of Kaehler constant scalar curvature metrics

Claudio Arezzo

created by daniele on 07 May 2021

26 may 2021 -- 15:00

Politecnico di Torino (online)

Seminario PRIN2017 "Real and Complex Manifolds: Topology, Geometry and Holomorphic Dynamics"


In this talk I will survey a number of recent new existence results for Kaehler constant scalar curvature metrics (Kcsc) on compact and noncompact manifolds. Thanks to the recent breakthroughs by Berman-Darvas-Lu, Cheng-Chen and others, new big families of explicit examples can be constructed. The original part of this talk will cover joint works with Y. Shi-A. Della Vedova, K. Corrales and F. Pacard- S. Samreena.

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