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The geometry of constant mean curvature surfaces in Euclidean space

Giuseppe Tinaglia

created by raffero on 14 Apr 2021
modified on 28 Apr 2021

19 may 2021 -- 11:00

Differential Geometry Seminar Torino (online)


I will begin by reviewing classical geometric properties of constant mean curvature surfaces, $H>0$, in $\mathbb{R}^3$. I will then talk about several more recent results for surfaces embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with constant mean curvature, such as curvature and radius estimates. I will show applications of such estimates including a characterisation of the round sphere as the only simply-connected surface embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with constant mean curvature and area estimates for compact surfaces embedded in a flat torus with constant mean curvature and finite genus. I will also talk about the geometry of compact hyper surfaces embedded in a manifold with constant mean curvature and finite index.


The link of the virtual room will be sent one day before the talk to all registered participants. To register, please send an e-mail to

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