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Łojasiewicz-type inequalities for the H-functional near simple bubble trees

Ben Sharp

created by raffero on 29 Dec 2020
modified on 31 Jan 2021

9 feb 2021 -- 17:00

Differential Geometry Seminar Torino (online)


The H-functional $E$ is a natural variant of the Dirichlet energy along maps $u$ from a closed surface $S$ into $\mathbb{R}^3$. Critical points of $E$ include conformal parameterisations of constant mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The functional itself is unbounded from above and below on $H^1(S,\mathbb{R}^3)$, but all critical points have H-energy $E$ at least $4\pi/3$, with equality attained if and only if we are parametrising a round sphere (so $S$ itself must be a sphere) - this is the classical isoperimetric inequality.

Here we will address the simple question: can one approach the natural lower energy bound by critical points along fixed surfaces of higher genus? In fact we prove more subtle quantitative estimates for any (almost-)critical point whose energy is close to $4\pi/3$. Standard theory tells us that a sequence of (almost-)critical points on a fixed torus T, whose energy approaches $4\pi/3$, must bubble-converge to a sphere: there is a shrinking disc on the torus that gets mapped to a larger and larger region of the round sphere, and away from the disc our maps converge to a constant. Thus the limiting object is really a map from a sphere to $\mathbb{R}^3$, and the challenge is to compare maps from a torus with the limiting map (i.e. a change of topology in the limit). In particular we can prove a gap theorem for the lowest energy level on a fixed surface and estimate the rates at which bubbling maps $u$ are becoming spherical in terms of the size of $dE[u]$ - these are commonly referred to as Łojasiewicz-type estimates.

This is a joint work with Andrea Malchiodi (SNS Pisa) and Melanie Rupflin (Oxford).


The talks are presented using the platform Cisco Webex Meetings. The Webex link will be sent one day before the talk to all registered participants. To register, please send an e-mail to

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