Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Almost complex setting for Kodaira dimension

Antonella Nannicini (DiMaI, Università di Firenze)

created by daniele on 10 Dec 2020
modified on 13 Jan 2021

28 jan 2021 -- 14:30

DIMaI, Firenze (online)

Seminario di Geometria Differenziale e Analisi Complessa del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini" dell'Università di Firenze


The concept of Kodaira dimension has been recently extended from complex to almost complex context by H. Chen and W. Zhang. In this talk, first we describe similarities and differences between Kodaira dimension for complex and almost complex manifolds, then we focus on compact 4-dimensional solvmanifolds without any integrable almost complex structure. We present recent results for Kodaira dimension of certain families of almost complex structures, providing a twistorial description. Also we describe some aspects of the correspondence between Kodaira dimension and curvature. Results are based on joint works with A. Tomassini and A. Cattaneo.

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