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Gauge theory and $G_2$ geometry

Andriy Haydys

created by bazzoni on 17 Nov 2020
modified on 14 Dec 2020

15 dec 2020 -- 16:00

Geometry in Como - Online

The talk will take place on Microsoft Teams. Please write to if you'd like to be added to our mailing list.


$G_2$ manifolds constitute a class of Einstein seven-manifolds and are of substantial interest both in Riemannian geometry and theoretical physics. At present a vast number of compact $G_2$ manifolds is known to exist. In this talk I will discuss a gauge-theoretic approach to the construction of invariants of compact $G_2$ manifolds. I will focus on an interplay between gauge theories in dimensions 7 and 3 and how this can be used for the construction of the invariants.

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