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New Integrable Curve Flows in the Pseudoconformal 3-Sphere

Thomas Ivey

created by raffero on 04 Nov 2020
modified on 25 Nov 2020

14 dec 2020 -- 17:00

Differential Geometry Seminar Torino (online)


The pseudoconformal 3-sphere $S^3$ is the projectivization of the null cone in $\mathbb C^3$ with the standard pseudo-Hermitian inner product. The Lie group $SU(2,1)$ fixing this metric naturally acts on the sphere, preserving a contact structure, and can be identified with the pseudoconformal frame bundle of $S^3$. By normalizing lifts to the frame bundle, we define scalar geometric invariants for Legendrian curves (L-curves) in $S^3$, and for curves transverse to the contact planes (T-curves). We seek invariant geometric flows for these parametrized curves that induce integrable evolution systems for the invariants. While there is an infinite sequence of geometric flows for L-curves inducing the Boussinesq hierarchy, for T-curves there is another infinite sequence of flows that induces a sequence of 3-component evolution systems for the invariants, evidently a novel integrable bi-Hamiltonian hierarchy. This closely resembles the NLS hierarchy, itself realized by a sequence of curve flows in Euclidean 3-space, including the vortex filament equation. We discuss some common features of these hierarchies, describe the geometry and dynamics of travelling wave solutions (also arising as critical curves for Lagrangians derived from the conserved densities) and conclude with some open questions.


The talk will be presented using the platform Cisco Webex Meetings. The Webex link will be sent one day before the talk to all registered participants. To register, please send an e-mail to

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