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The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on simple Lie groups

Romina Arroyo

created by daniele on 15 Oct 2020
modified on 23 Oct 2020

29 oct 2020 -- 15:00

Aula Tricerri, DIMaI, Firenze

Seminario di Geometria Differenziale e Analisi Complessa del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini" dell'Università di Firenze


The prescribed Ricci curvature problem consists in finding a Riemannian metric $g$ and a real number $c>0$ satisfying \[ \operatorname{Ric} (g) = c T, \] for some fixed symmetric $(0, 2)$-tensor field $T$ on a manifold $M,$ where $\operatorname{Ric} (g)$ denotes the Ricci curvature of $g.$

The aim of this talk is to discuss this problem within the class of left-invariant naturally reductive metrics when $M$ is a simple Lie group, and present recently obtained results in this setting.

This talk is based on joint works with Mark Gould (The University of Queensland) Artem Pulemotov (The University of Queensland) and Wolfgang Ziller (University of Pennsylvania).

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