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On the topology of hyperbolic 4-manifolds

Stefano Riolo

created by daniele on 04 Aug 2020

7 sep 2020 -- 15:00

online Teams, DM, Pisa

PRIN2017 "Real and Complex Manifolds: Topology, Geometry and holomorphic dynamics"


The study of hyperbolic manifolds is a reach and active research field for several mathematicians with various backgrounds. By the celebrated Geometrization, the study of 3-manifolds essentially reduces to the study of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. This is not true in higher dimension, where the situation is much less clear.

The talk will consist of an overview of some recent discoveries on the topology of hyperbolic 4-manifolds of finite volume (including joint works with A. Kolpakov, B. Martelli, L. Slavich, and S. Tschantz).

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