Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Affine versus Stein varieties in complex and rigid geometry

Marco Maculan

created by daniele on 08 May 2020

13 may 2020 -- 14:00

Roma Sapienza

Seminario di Algebra e Geometria, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma


Serre’s GAGA theorem states that, on a projective complex variety, holomorphic objects (functions, vector bundles and their sections, etc.) are algebraic. Without compactness hypothesis this is not true. Yet, one may wonder whether a variety that can be embedded holomorphically into an affine space, can be embedded therein algebraically. A classical example of Serre shows that the answer is negative. In an ongoing joint work with J. Poineau, we investigate what happens when one replaces the complex numbers by the p-adic ones. Despite the formal similarities between the corresponding analytic theories, the p-adic outcome is somewhat surprising.

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