Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Examples of four-dimensional geometric transition

Andrea Seppi

created by daniele on 11 Apr 2020
modified on 13 Apr 2020

15 apr 2020 -- 14:00 (Roma Sapienza)

Streaming all'indirizzo https:/, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma


Roughly speaking, a geometric transition is a deformation of geometric structures on a manifold, by “transitioning” between different geometries. Danciger introduced a new such transition, which enables to deform from hyperbolic structures to Anti-de Sitter structure, going through another type of real projective structures called “half-pipe”, and provided conditions for a compact 3-manifold to admit a geometric transition of this type. By extending a construction of Kerckhoff and Storm, I will describe examples of finite-volume geometric transition in dimension 4. This is joint work with Stefano Riolo.

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