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Discrete omega surfaces

Fran Burstall

created by daniele on 09 Jan 2020

14 jan 2020 -- 14:30

Politecnico di Torino, DISMA, Aula Buzano


Omega surfaces, discovered by Demoulin in 1911, comprise a rich class of surfaces of classical interest, inclu- ding linear Weingarten surfaces, isothermic and Guichard surfaces. They are an integrable system with a duality,

Darboux transforms and a spectral deformation all of which can be traced back to their relation with isothermic surfaces in the Lie quadric. In this talk I shall sketch a satisfying discretization of this theory which retains all the details of the classical story. Along the way, we will present a novel reformulation (and mild generalization) of the Bobenko-Pinkall theory of isothermic nets.

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