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The Holonomy Groupoid and Morita Equivalence for Singular Foliations

Alfonso Garmendia

created by lapastina on 09 Aug 2019

10 sep 2019 -- 10:00

Università degli Studi di Salerno - Sala Riunioni DipMat


Quotient spaces behaves different depending on which groupoid you decide to model it. Groupoids that are Morita equivalent give the same smooth behavior in their respective quotient space therefore the classes of Morita equivalent groupoids give the different models for the quotient space. A natural example of quotient spaces are the ones given by a singular foliation on a manifold. In this case we have a canonical groupoid to model it, the holonomy groupoid. This talk gives an introduction on singular foliations, it explains the construction of the holonomy groupoid of a singular foliation and discusses the definition of Morita equivalence.

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